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Clean Planet Energy - Logo


Clean Planet Energy (CPE) builds infrastructure to enable the sustainable use of plastics, and reduction of carbon emissions.

Clean Planet Energy's ecoPlants convert hard-to-recycle plastics into ultra-low-sulfur fuels and circular naphtha. CPE's facilities reduce the dependence of fossil-based products in both transportation and the production of new plastics. The ecoPlants utilise the IP and patents from Clean Planet Technologies

CPE is currently constructing and permitting ecoPlants in locations all over the world.



> Input

One Clean Planet ecoPlant is designed to process 20,000 tonnes of hard-to-recycle waste plastics every year (60 tons/day).​

< Output

Each ecoPlant produces over 100,000 barrels (~14k tons) of ultra-low-carbon fuels and/or circular products, annually.​


An ecoPlant uses a combination of Pyrolysis and CPE's patented SAFe Hydroprocessing Technology, among other proprietary designs. 

waste plastics

Of the 400 million tonnes of plastic produced worldwide every year, over 70% is discarded within 12 months. Only 8% of this is ever recycled, meaning over 200 million tonnes of plastic ends up in landfill, incineration, or in our oceans, every year.

Plastic offers numerous benefits. Plastic reduces food waste through packaging, saves lives in healthcare applications, and can extend the lifespan of various products. However, the improper handling of plastic waste and insufficient infrastructure for its disposal pose significant challenges.

A CPE ecoPlant can process and recycle almost any plastic, stopping this waste from entering our environment:

#1 - PET

Soft drink bottles, fruit juice containers, cooking oil bottles, water bottles.

Recycled by traditional recycling services

CPE - Yes

 CPE choose not to accept as sustainable alternatives exist

#2 - HDPE

Milk jugs, cleaning agents, shampoo bottles, films, bleaching agents.

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - Yes

CPE ecoPlants accept & recycle all types of HDPE

#3 - PVC

Electrical appliances, thermal insulation, banners, buoyancy aids, some toys. 

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - No

Not currently accepted in Clean Planet ecoPlants

#4 - LDPE

Most films, shopping bags, highly-resistant sacks and most wrappings.

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - Yes

CPE ecoPlants accept & recycle all types of LDPE

#5 - PP

Bottle tops, biscuit wrappers, containers, plant pots, drinking straws, lunch boxes.

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - Yes

CPE ecoPlants accept & recycle all types of PP

#6 - PS

Egg & food boxes, fast food trays, disposable cups, & packaging foam.

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - Yes

CPE ecoPlants accept & recycle all types of PS

#7 - The Rest

Nylon, fiber textiles, polycarbonate (cups, bottles) & components

Not widely recycled by traditional services

CPE - Yes

CPE ecoPlants accept & recycle all types of #7


Dirt, Water, Food-Waste, Moulds and more

Requires 99% clean plastics before processing

CPE - Yes

Able to process waste plastics with 15% contaminants.

circular products

Tomorrow 1.2 billion CO2-emitting road trips will take place, 100,000+ flights will depart, 75,000+ cargo & fishing ships will set sail, and over 1 million tonnes of new plastics will be manufactured. All of these require hydrocarbons (e.g. fossil fuels).

Last year around 43 billion tonnes of CO2e, NOx and SOx emissions were released into the atmosphere. 


Clean Planet ecoPlants produce circular alternatives, reducing the need to extract new hydrocarbon products from the ground; lowering CO2e lifecycle emissions.

CPE Logo - Fuel Oil

Purified Pyrolysis Oil

A refined and purified version of pyrolysis oil, made from waste plastics.  

CPE Logo - Diesel

Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel

Upmost premium fuel for transport and heavy machinery. Ultra-Low sulfur and Nitrogen oxide quantities released.

CPE Logo - Circular Naphtha

Circular Naphtha

A petrochemical feedstock that can be used in new plastic production to support a circular supply chain.

CPE Logo - Aviation Fuel

Aviation Fuel

A direct replacement for aviation fossil fuel. 850x less NOx and SOx emissions, whilst continuing CPE's CO2e reduction promise.


Clean Planet Energy’s ecoPlants recover waste products, creating liquid fuels and circular-products. The process minimises the carbon emissions associated with conventional hydrocarbon usage and refining.

The EU Taxonomy and the related Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), adopted by the European Union, are innovative regulatory changes designed to integrate sustainability considerations with investment criteria within the financial sector. SFDR is a critical component of this regulation, requiring financial market participants to disclose key information relating to their economic activities. “Green funds”, known as Article 8 and 9 funds are also required to disclose the percentage of their activities which promote or indeed significantly contribute to environmental and sustainability objectives.

This study was authored & validated by:


From Catalyst website: "Our purpose and our passion is to make the built environment greener and safer. We do this by helping our clients meet their commercial, regulatory, social and environmental goals. Our team of more than one hundred specialist consultants work with some of the largest companies in the world, guiding their decisions and making their strategies a reality."

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partners & vendors

FTAI Infrastructure Logo

FTAI Infrastructure Inc. (Nasdaq: FIP) owns and acquires high quality infrastructure and related equipment that is essential for the transportation of goods and people globally. FTAI and CPE are building ecoPlants across North America together.

Crossroads Logo

Crossroads European Real Estate Funds have invested in various real estate asset classes throughout Europe, such as hotels, residential, light industrial, retail and co-working. Crossroads and CPE are building ecoPlants across the UK together.

Andera Partners Logo

Andera Partners is a major player in private company investments in France and internationally. CPE has  joined forces with Andera Partners to build three new ecoPlants in France.

BP Logo

bp and Clean Planet Energy reach agreement to help advance the circular plastics economy. The 10-year agreement sees bp receive the output from CPE's first ecoPlant, and then expand to future ecoPlants under development.

River Recycle Logo

Riverrecycle and Clean Planet Energy have a partnership agreement in a bid to support global efforts of removing non-recyclable plastics from rivers and the environment in Southeast Asia, and then re-purposing the waste as new ultra-clean fuels. 

RePower South Logo

RePower South is an advanced recycling, recovery and renewable energy company, transforming communities toward a sustainable waste and energy future. Clean Planet Energy and RePower South have announced an agreement to combine their respective advanced plastics recycling technologies.

KW Plastics Logo

KW Plastics is the world’s largest plastics recycler for HDPE and PP. KW Plastics  produce a wide range of polyethylene and polypropylene recycled resins for the personal care, automotive, agriculture, construction, pipe, paint & coatings, recreation, and flexible packaging/sheet applications industries. 


The ISCC is the body for International Sustainability & Carbon Certification, providing sustainability solutions for fully traceable of supply chains. Being accepted by the ISCC supports CPE in its mission to be recognised for its reduced-carbon and circular products.

Stopford Logo

Stopford is an international energy and environment consultancy providing for over 40 years, innovative multidisciplinary solutions to a global market. They provide technical insight for CPE.

British Plastics Federation - Logo


The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is the world's longest-running plastics trade association, initially established in 1933 with the aim to promote the UK plastics industry ever since.

Recoup Logo


RECOUP is a charity and leading authority providing expertise and guidance across the plastics recycling value chain. RECOUP aims to increase plastics recycling and promote resource management.

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