Over the last year we've made a number of announcements, and gained a large amount of new, regular followers to our updates.
As the year snuggles down for its winter festivities, we thought we'd take a step back, re-introduce ourselves (for those who are new), and recap on a fantastic year at Clean Planet Energy.

We are a UK based clean-tech, green-tech, environmental, renewable company (we find it hard to pick the right term...) that builds ecoPlants which convert non-recyclable waste plastics into ultra-clean fuels and circular-oils. In addition we pride ourselves on boasting a strong advocacy arm too, helping educate all about the #PlasticCrisis and #ClimateCrisis.
Our core UK day-to-day team is represented by 9 different nationalities, but we all share a common passion for a cleaner environment! Our investors stretch this diversity even further, as do our international & extended teams who we'll be introducing to you next year.
![UK Team: L>R (Back) Adel, Saša, Christine, Bertie, Dan, Ridwan, Andrew, (Front) Marta, Kate - Not pictured: Marina, Fernando [Photo taken prior to Q4 2021 lockdown restrictions]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/99b615_5df3046bf3514229b9fd1966dc4370c9~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_726,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/99b615_5df3046bf3514229b9fd1966dc4370c9~mv2.jpg)
2021 has has seen notable growth across multiple sectors for Clean Planet Energy, here's a snapshot of our year working to better the world around us:
In January we headlined the first day at the Davos Energy week, along with a number of other conferences, events and activities throughout the rest of the year.
In 2021 we also announced groundbreaking new CO2-saving products (made from waste plastics): Clean Planet Air (Jet Fuel) and Clean Planet Oceans (EN15940 & LSFO).
Through the year our advocacy grew by supporting non-profit organisations such as Trees for Life, Turning the Plastic Tide, Like to Be
The CPE team were privileged to Headline the United Nations COP26 Climate Change Official Publication, including a four-page feature - yep you read that right!
In addition to growing our UK arm, during the year Clean Planet announced new investments & joint-ventures that secured our growth to new territories outside the UK with:
Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure – for 5+ ecoPlants across North America
Andera Partners – 3 ecoPlants being developed in France
River Recycle – 2 ecoPlants being developed in SE Asia
We focussed our efforts on education by launching a comic book for budding ecoWarriors. We first launched it online with daily stories going live, before publishing 3 x 300-page print editions in the Summer, Autumn and Winter - it makes a great Christmas present if you're still looking... and at it looks a bit like this:
For a... more experienced... audience we also launched the Clean Planet Action Plan which gives you a (i) good, (ii) bad, (iv) different, and (v) an action you can take, about the environment each week.
The Engineering team launched CPE's first Engineering Internship Programme and with that we had our first interns (thanks Jack and Kajal!)
Oh, and a minor point to end... earlier this year we started the construction of our flagship ecoPlant in Teesside, UK, supported by our EPCM partners Stopford (here's a snap from the first day work began earlier this year, the first hole to start all holes...)

Next year we're looking forward to working with our new partners & investors, announcing new opportunities in the works, and introducing our international teams to you too. We'd also like to extend a massive thank you to our investors and advisors for their tireless support this year.
Trust, Authenticity, Respect, Inclusion, Diversity & Team Work are the values we aspire to reach within our team. Our performance is feedback led, collaborating to regenerate our planet. We care and so do our partners.
We commit to you, the environment, (and our shareholders), to build more ecoPlants around the world and get closer to our mission of removing 1 million tonnes of waste plastic from the environment every year.
Merry Christmas for those who celebrate, happy holidays, and have a great (and safe) New Year both to you and your family.
Clean Oceans and Clean Air - Clean Planet Energy.
...and remember, #EveryoneDeservesBetter
- The Clean Planet Energy Team
p.s - Get Involved