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A LikeToBe Partnership and Thank you!

As students are returning to school & uni, continuing to engage with them both on and offline will be as important as ever before; for this reason Clean Planet Energy is very proud to announce their partnership with LikeToBe.

LikeToBe is a family of founding schools dedicated to working with employers to provide the best career guidance for their students. The Network was designed to connect students in geographically and socially isolated areas with employers; and to provide opportunities for all, regardless of their location or background.

During these challenging times, this is something we can all relate to, and we at CPE hope that this platform can help students all over the country, providing a link for young people to safely engage online and learn more about the world of work. A key focus for LikeToBe is the Green Industrial Revolution and how to inspire and encourage students to explore career pathways that could have a positive impact to our environment.

And on that note, we've just had our own experience of amazing students wanting to make a positive difference...

At Clean Planet Energy we have had a wonderful 3 months with our two newest interns, Kajal and Jack. Due to the challenges faced by COVID-19, Kajal and Jack worked predominantly remotely with the odd face-to-face visit. We felt there was no better way to show the power of our latest partnership than for them both to speak to LikeToBe via one of their popular TICTalks features, to discuss working remotely and their experiences at Clean Planet Energy and beyond - check it out:

p.s - Finally we want to send a huge thank you to Jack & Kajal for a wonderful Summer Internship, we'll miss you both, and can't wait to see how your career progresses. If you're interested in joining our ongoing Engineering Internship programme, you can check it out right here

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